Moose’s Lodge

Raising a Moose

We Miss Kitty… December 6, 2008

Filed under: Moose — valben @ 3:13 pm

The Riggs
We decided to leave The Riggs with my parents when we went home for Thanksgiving, but only until after the holiday season. It is stressful for him to acclimate to a new place, so we figured he should just stay with them for the month (my parents have 3 other cats). I know he will eventually love it because my mom feeds those cats 4 times a day, whereas Riggs normally only gets 1/3 of a can once a day here!

But still, we miss that kitty. The silence drives me nuts – I am so used to calling out to him – Riggs, get off the counter (or bed or baby or oven), Riggs, don’t eat my food (or drink my water or puke on the floor).. And Moose senses something is missing. He normally pushes Riggs’ food bowl around with his Puppy walker, but I put it all away. So he walks up to the area, then turns around all confused.

Don’t worry Moose, we’ll see Kitty and all of his friends in 2 weeks!